Friday, May 30, 2008
Gas Saving Tips for Summer Driving
I was watching a news right now that talks about the high gas prices which is more than $4 right now. And people who are planning on going for trips are changing their travel plans, instead of driving many miles , they are ended up on staying home for summer and just spend their vacation with their kids at home or going to the nearest beaches.
Some, gas saving tips and advice from Robert Sinclair Jr of AAA.
Tip#1- Tires- Vehicle and driving style makes a bigger difference in burning gasoline. As far as maintainance is concerned tire pressure is number one. So, it is best to check the tires of your car once a week or every month make sure they are pump up according to the vehicles manufacturers maintance.
Tip #2-Spark plugs-Make sure they are clean cause spark plugs are very important.
Tip #3- Air Filter- It needs to be changed like every 7ooo to 8ooo miles so it will work better.
Tip #4 Speedometer- Slow down to save gas or lower you speed in the high way to save gas.
The Gravesite Masters
In remembering our love ones, one of the best things we can do for them for their final resting place and to show respect for those we loved is the upkeep of their site. Keep it beautiful by putting flower arrangements.
The Gravesite Masters is one of the best companies to choose from for all the gravesite needs that may arise. Also, a great source for Sympathy and bereavement gifts for funerals and after. They offer a wide variety of products and services related to grave site care beautification, headstore accessories, memorial items, and bereavement products. They also offers sympathy flowers delivery which they deliver both artificial bouquets, and and fresh-cut floral arrangements to cemeteries, funeral homes, churches, business, and residences for those wanting funeral or sympathy flowers or for any other occasion. They also deliver flowers to cemeteries across the nation as will as funeral homes. If you can't take care of your love ones grave site for your busy schedule, their nationwide Gravesite Master Professional are ready to be of service to you as they demonstrate their values of excellence, integrity, and a profound respect for the individual. For more references and information, you can visit their website now at Gravesitemasters dot com so you can also browse their featured products.
Entry Gap
I have noticed that almost a week that I haven't updated this blog. It was because we were busy and at the same time "paid to blog" was very slow for last couple days. And mostly my PTB are from my other blogs who has pr and good real rank. But earlier this afternoon when I got from a long nap, I was able to snagged one task from triple P for this blog and the rest were posted to my other blog. Tomorrow, I am not sure if I can grab for here, but at least this blog is ready for another PTP post. Well, see if I'll be lucky to write even one tomorrow....
Thursday, May 29, 2008
iDerma is a skin care products like Mineral Makeup which are available online. They have products like moisturizing cream, anti-aging cream, cleansers, sunscreens, and more. When you order online, there is a free shipping when your order is over $75. Their selected brands recommended by leading dermatologists and beauty experts, such as iS Clinical, SkinMedica, Remergent, NeoCutis. Order Now and make yourself happy.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
If I remember, I first had my credit card on my own name about two years ago that was when I started working. I decided to have one because I need it. Of all the credit card company that I have applied only "chase" credit center approved me with no interest rate for until 6 months. I was lucky to get one from them because it is hard to get approved for the first time because I don't have a credit history. "NO CREDIT HISTORY" is always the reason behind my application's rejection from other credit cards companies. My first credit line limit was $300. In order for me to build a credit, I used my credit card every time we buy for groceries. First, I spent $50. One month after I got a bill from "chase" shows that I owe $50. The minimum payment for every month was only $10, but I paid the $50 off. Then I used my credit card again, I spent about $100 total. I paid them off twice, so $50 each month.
Since I pay my credit card on time, they extend my credit limit to $500, few months after it reached to $1000 and now I have a credit line of $1500. There's always a balance in my credit, because every time I paid the balance off , I still use it even to spend a small amount, but I am keeping the way it is since I am still building a credit. Now, that I have already a credit history, I always get pre-approved credit card offers from our mailbox everyday but I always put them down, and sheered it because I don't need one. Though, I have a new one from my bank and I am keeping it also in case of emergency, in case I need some cash and its not my payday yet, so I can transfer anytime to my checking account and paid them off when payday comes.
Right now, I know where I'm stand when it comes to credit ratings and history. Though I don't know what's my credit rating is, but I won't worry about that as long as I know that I paid my
credit card on time beyond the minimum limit and not using my credit line beyond the limitation.
No Credit History?, Get a Credit Card then start building your Credit to have a credit history.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Need Help Managing Yourself?
Forget to visit your in-laws last weekend , don't worry you can do it next time just help remind yourself through HassleYou - the free online nagging tool that will remind you via email so you won't forget anything. You just write a reminder to yourself through hassleyou and they will send you a reminder notice via email so you won't forget it the day you want to visit again. Actually, you can write pretty much everything , this helps you managing your time from a busy schedule you have.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Be right back.....
.....we'll be going out in a little bit so i'll be right back....we're starving here so we're going to eat at the chinese restaurant..we don't know what to cook and we haven't pulled out for dinner so we decided to treat ourselve....hopefully i won't miss any opps from triple p....gotta go now, have to fix myself here then we're leaving.....see yah...
Oregon Beach Vacations
When going for vacation, it is a lot better to stay on a vacation rental home than staying in a hotel, because it has more rooms to stay with your families. Other than that, you can also save money. So, if you love to go for vacation with your family every year vacation rental is the best. One of the vacation rental right now which is popular in the coast is the Oregon Coast Vacation Rentals . It is nearby the beach and currently they offer more than 150 vacation rental homes and condominiums along Oregon’s Northern and Central coastlines with additional properties being added every day. They are dedicated to help you find your perfect Oregon Coast vacation home or condominium on the Northern or Central Oregon Coast. They will help us plan the getaway that we have been dreaming about.
The nice beaches of Oregon is the best place to visit, that offer a rich coastal experience, which includes everything from whale watching to fine dining to golf and beyond. The breathtaking evergreen landscape is one of the many things that separate the Oregon coast from other beaches you have been to visit.
For more information, visit and make a decision.
Press Release:
For Immediate Release
May 20, 2008
For More Information:
David McElveen, President
River City Travel & Oregon Beach Vacations
Oregon Beach Vacations Launches New Website
New Site Offers Robust Features For Vacationers and Homeowners
Portland, OR – May 2008 / Oregon Beach Vacations / Press Release – Oregon Beach Vacations, the leader in vacation rentals along Oregon’s Northern and Central coastlines, has announced the launch of their new website:
Oregon Beach Vacations manages over 150 privately owned vacation homes and is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. They also have offices in Lincoln City and Cannon Beach, Oregon to better serve their clients and homeowners. Oregon Beach Vacations offers vacationers a variety of different properties to suit every vacation need from cottage to condominium to luxury home with several different view options including Mountain View, Ocean View and Waterfront. Some select properties even allow pets.
The completely redesigned website includes a multitude of features to enhance the vacation rental experience for visitors to the site. These features include:
· Real-time availability and booking
· Full descriptions of all properties and their associated amenities including pictures
· The ability to search for vacation rentals based on dates, location, view, property type, amenities and much more
· The ability to email family and friends descriptions and pictures of rental properties
· MyBrochure™ which allows visitors to build print and email brochures of their favorite properties
· Google Maps of each property showing their exact location
· Interactive Maps of the area – allowing vacationers to view properties by location
· Information for homeowners wishing to list their property with Oregon Beach Vacations for Rental
· Access to a special section reserved just for homeowners where they can see information about their property, see availability and view homeowner Statements
“When we decided we wanted to redesign our website, we knew that we wanted to enrich the booking experience for our vacationers as well as provide even more booking opportunities for our homeowners. We believe that we have not only met this challenge but far exceeded it. will become the premier website for people who want to vacation in a privately owned home or condominium along the Oregon Coast. We have already been praised by both our homeowners and perspective guests on the new site design, its features and ease of use,” stated David McElveen, President of Oregon Beach Vacations.
David continued, “Our new website is the result of the hard work and expertise of the Oregon Beach Vacations team as well as our partners, Visual Data Systems and Escapia. is the first integration of a Visual Data Systems designed website and Escapia Rental Management Software. Both companies were committed to giving Oregon Beach Vacations the customized web site that we need to stay successful in a very competitive marketplace. We are very pleased with the results and look forward to working with both companies for many years”.
About Oregon Beach Vacations
Oregon Beach Vacations was founded in 2004. The owners, David McElveen and Joe Murray, envisioned building a premier vacation rental company on the Oregon coast. Today, Oregon Beach Vacations operates three offices and manages over 150 vacation rental properties. The company is owned and operated by River City Travel, Oregon’s second largest travel agency which includes a staff of over 80 reservation team members whose combines sales is over 40 million dollars per year. Benefits for homeowners include an aggressive marketing campaign that reaches over two million potential guests weekly; marketing agreements with over 4,000 travel agents worldwide and 24/7 availability. For more information, please visit or call 800-723-2383.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Very quick huh.... that was really quick...(hehhe..talking about ppp campaign). ..when I refreshed my dashboard there was nothing there, but after a second of refreshing, there was , but guess what it was gray already...hmm you are really fast...sayang 45 rba better luck next time eka sure there will be next time...
Mom's Talk Radio iPod Giveaway
Did you get an iPod for Mother's Day?, if not, this is your chance to join MomTalkRadio contest for free iPod Giveaway. Mom's Talk Radio is giving away an 8gig iPod Nano in their May Listen to Win Contest. Mom's Talk Radio is a network of internet radio shows and podcasts created by moms for moms.It is a network of internet radio and podcast programs for moms. So Mommies out there, take this big chance.
Useless Interview Question
While waiting for some job to do. I was browsing again, reading different articles, and I came across of an article from TechRepublic, that talks about question that were usually ask during interview which are useless...
Here we go....and let me see, if my hiring officer will ask me these question, what would I say...hmm let's start:
Quetion #1. What’s your favorite color?..are you talking to me? or is that for me, or maybe for your grade school child...hmmm
#2: If you had my job, what would you do differently? If I have your job and interviewing someone, I would never ask them about their favorite color...
#3: What are your greatest weaknesses? bored easily, like now..
#4: What’s the most negative thing you’ve heard about our company? Just tell me, what have you heard inside your you think there is? i better not get into it..
#5: Anything beginning with, “If I speak with your present employer …”...."I know this is not going to happen", but if ever, they will only verify my employment status..
#6: Can you work under pressure? what do you mean? hmm I can do what ever related to my job but just don't treat me like a slave..
#7: What was the last book you read? just laughing here...nonsense question..why don't you care..
#8: Have you ever been arrested/how’s your health? oh I in the right place?. I think I am not...maybe the HR used to work by the dept of homeland and
#9: What was your grade point average? I can't remember, just look at my TOR.
#10: Would you like to sit in my chair one day?...I know it's not a literal a question...I think she wants to know If I like to a hiring officer or an HR like her. ..and my answer would be....I have to think of that...*wink*
#12: How would you evaluate me as an interviewer? hmm seems like you are a nice person but don't be offended if I'll tell you this:"I would never ask the same kind question that you just asked me, and don't ask me why..
#13: Can you tell me about a time you did something embarrassing? this is too much , enough is enough, but thanks for your time though ..
*sigh*..have you ever asked those questions above? If so, what do you think? what are your answers?
Tiny GPS Unit
As we know that GPS or Global Positioning System can help tracking people, vehicles, goods and more. I think we are only familiar of the one that our car has. The GPS for vehicles is bigger than the one that I am going to talk about. Because, it is only a tiny GPS unit that you can even put to your footwear. This tiny GPS device is very useful for your kids especially when you are going to a crowded places like malls or amusement parks, to avoid losing them
GTX Corp, developed this miniature GPS tracking device. This GPS units can be tracked live on Google Maps. That said GPS is very tiny where you can put it with your dogs collar so if your dog would get lost you will be able to find him much easier and track him via internet or Google Map, Phone, PDA, Blackberry etc. It also serve as a hidden device to track people's performance.
Actually, this tiny gadget has a lot of uses to think about like, if you are involve in a natural disaster which we hope never happens, you will be easy to find with your tiny GPS that you wore. So for me, it's more on safety thing.
Back to Chasing...
...yes back to chasing again, but I am not really sure if it starts early or maybe they will give it away at night again...while waiting...i will do some cleaning here in the house...then visiting back some blogs that visited me since my last log in here...what else...ah i forgot i havent eat gotta eat...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Smartest SEO Guy
Wanna meet the smartest guy of the SEO ? Yes, his name is John Weiber. He got a website that named after him which is, that talks about Search Engine Optimization stuff. On his website or blog, you can find lots of information and tips about search engine optimization. So, bloggers like me, by reading his blog, we will have lots of information and ideas on how to make money and be successful on our online business. I know many of us wanted to know about this Search Engine Optimization. Me, myself I don't know about SEO on how can it help me. I have heard and read so many topics about Search Engine Optimization on how it can help us website owners, on how we can market our websites.
Bloggers and website owners, let us accept the fact that it is hard to earn traffic. I have been trying to submit my blogs to different directories for free, some are working some are not. That's why I am thinking of submitting my blogs to any search engines optimization so it can be easily found and searchable to the internet world. While doing so, we have our guide, through the blog of the smartest guy of the SEO. We can just follow his post and learn from his SEO knowledge.
New Template Here....
Noticed my template? New look right?. Carlota just designed this yesterday and it was perfect for the theme of this blog. I can't believed she can make it right away, since I know she's very busy of her own life too. Well, Thank you Madam Carlota...I like the simplicity of the template and it is elegant..thumbs up to you sis.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
iWebtrack Affiliate
As we know that iWebtract from iWebtract International is capable of web tracking your visitors in your website. Now, they have an iWebTrack Affiliate Program , that rewards affiliate for good sites and referring traffic. They run a very successful affiliate program through the ShareASale affiliate network that allows them to pay affiliates $400 for each private-label sale and up to $80 per retail sale or Dashboard download. This is indeed very cool. This is another way on making money by joing their affiliate program.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Tax Rebates Checks Wrong
According to the Internal Revenue Service, that about 350, 000 households are not getting the $300 per child owed them as part of their economic stimulus rebate payments. They said that it was a human error and computer glitches that were responsible of the problem. But the the taxpayers that was affected of that said glitches can still get the remainder. The IRS said that they will send letters to those who missed out on the refund and that checks for the child credit will be mailed out in July. So if someone got their stimulus check already and wondering it was not the full amount as the government was promised, don't worry about it because IRS still owe you and you will get it soon.
But for us, since ours is not a direct deposit to our bank, we haven't get the stimulus check yet. Hopefully we'll get it by June..
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Rocky Mountain Trail
Yes, Spring is here. Do you have everything ready for your outdoor activities, like going to camping? If not, well start buying it now and start looking for good deals. If you want some outdoor gear, you can buy it at . Right now, they are offering 10% off
with the Promo code SPRING. Plus, save additional money with or free shipping and low price guarantee. You can find and save the latest outdoor gear from Top Brands such as The North Face, Patagonia, and more.So start your shopping now.
Senseless Rants
Just got up from a quick nap here but I'm still sleepy. I tried to open my eyes so I won't fall asleep here by the keyboard..*laugh* just kidding, I'm just trying to stay awake cause I still have a lot of task to do and I don't want them to leaved sitting for many days until the deadline. Anyway, it is 6 pm already here, in about 4 hours I'll be getting ready for work again. I am not sure though if they gonna call me since we are over-staffed tonight again....but we'll see, but I'll be happy when they call me so I will my three days off straight on a row...
So much for now, see yah on my next rants.
ENGOBI's Guitar Hero video contest
I am sure you heard ENGOBI already. It is a caffeinated snack chips where every child would love to eat. It comes with two perkey, high impact flavors which is Lemon Grift and Cinnamon Surge. Anyway, are you aware that ENGOBI snack chips that I was talking about, is launching a video contest, where fans can upload videos of themselves playing the game to and win cool prizes, including a game-customized Fender Strat. For more details about this contest just visit ENGOBI's website as the ENGOBI's girls hit the road. The ENGOBI's girl using their van will be visiting nine east coast cities.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
How to Fix Our Broken Budget...
Because of the economic situation, everything goes up in price but our wages remains the same. And, I know that many of us has hard time budgeting of the little amount that we got from our source of income.
While I was browsing online, I read an article about steps on fixing our broken budget. And following are the summary:
*First steps, is understand your motivation- The writer said that budget often fails because they lack a sense of purpose.
In other words we need to have motivation on why we are doing the budget, it's not just because somebody told us.
* Know Your Numbers, meaning track all our expenses. And yes, we can not always track our expenses especially if we spend at small amount, like $ 6 here and there. And when we think of $6 is only a small amount but if we will put all we spent together, that would be a lot of money. So, I agree that we missed tracking our expenses that makes us out of budget.
*Get for example, if the budget for our groceries is like $ 200 a week, if we can we will stick to that. But for two of us only in our household, $200 groceries will last as 2 weeks.
*Find a system that works for you---Our budget our lifestyle and personality. Kung sosyal at magastos , and are always going out for party, of course you will be out of budget. And I agree, that even us, We don't go out that much but still we need to have on a budget so we can pay all the bills that we have.
*Stay Flexible---There are times that we like to spend, we like to buy a certain stuff for our self or for our household needs. But, the writer said on "stay flexible", be careful to make sure we have the money somewhere before we spend it.
Offer Tribute to Passed Away Love Ones
Memorial Day is in 2 weeks or so. It is the time to remember the memory of our love ones and friends. The time to give them tribute to show them that even they are not around anymore, they still remain in your hearts. There are many ways on giving tribute to our love ones and friends that have passed away. We can do an obituary tribute by publishing on our local newspaper. We can do that online too. At National Hall of Records, you can build a page to a friend or family member . You can also post a death notice. The Hall of Records has Free Offer Link tributes until Memorial day. Friends and relatives can go to the tribute online and post for comments. That is a the best gift you can give to them to show that you love them.
Do You Get Mad?
Has someone asked you that question? I think that's a weird question cause I know everybody gets mad. Two nights ago, while having some conversation with my co-workers at work, one of them asked me this question, Retchel, Do you get mad?, so I said...of course I do!, Do you want me to see how am I when I get mad?...and we were laughing. They said, they can't figure out if I get mad, maybe because they haven't seen me or heard me getting mad like them. Because I am not like mostly of them that complains everything, even simple stuff, you know what I mean, seems like they don't like to other words, "lazy". Every single night they are bitching, because of this and that...because they don't like to do that stuff..they want to do on their own way not the residents way which is not right. I just don't want to get in trouble, I am trying to be friendly with them so I don't complain to our superior.
And this makes me think, Why Americans likes to complain? hmm what do you think?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Are You in Debt?
I think it is normal to have debt. People who do not have debt do not exist of this world. Even millionaires has millions of debts also. But you know, it is not bad if you have debts as long as as you are capable of paying them off on a certain time based on what you have promised to pay. Due to the economic problem that we are going through right now, may of us cannot afford anymore to pay off our debts. But there are some individual who are working on a company that will advice us on how to get rid of our debts. So, if you have problem managing your debts, seek some debt advice from experts who are willing to help you and get back your feet from the ground.
What is My Prority?
What's Important to You... And What Isn't: |
![]() For you, primal needs like eating and sleeping are your top priorities. You don't mind having things to get done... as long as they don't pile up on you. Your most important priorities get your attention. You are happily able to let the less important things slide. You want money to be a high priority, but you don't often get around to it. |
Monday, May 12, 2008
Torchmark Corporation
Torchmark Corporation is a holding company especializing in life and supplemental insurance for middle income families. Torchmark Corporation has major subsidiaries, they are the United American Insurance Company which is based in McKinney, Texas. Other subsidiaries are American Income Life Insurance Company, First United American Life Insurance Company, Globe Life and Accident Insurance Company, Liberty Life National Insurance Company, and United Investors Life Insurance Company.
How do I feel Today?
Maria Victoria of Not so Sassy want to know on what I feel today.
1. List 6 things that describe yourself today.
2. Add your blog to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs.
3. Tag other online friends you know.
I feel...
*blogging today,as always
*doing my laundry..
*and want to lay in bed
*doing/gathering my paperworks for my greencard renewal
*not going to work tonight...hehe, just being lazy
Links: Creative In Me, Little Peanut ,Me and Mine, Pea in a Pod, Sugar Magnolias ,On Mindscape, Miss Workaholic, Surigaobabe
DVD Converter Software
Do you need some video and DVD Converter software? Yes, you can get it, for good deal. Just visit for their different software download. So, if you have ipods, Zunes, PSPs, iPhones, etc. who want to convert video and DVD to play on your device, you need a converted and you can only get it at the
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day History
Origin of Mother's Day goes back to the era of ancient Greek and Romans. But the roots of Mother's Day history can also be traced in UK where a Mothering Sunday was celebrated much before the festival saw the light of the day in US. However, the celebration of the festival as it is seen today is a recent phenomenon and not even a hundred years old. Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Julia Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence. Today the festival of Mothers day is celebrated across 46 countries (though on different dates) and is a hugely popular affair. Millions of people across the globe take the day as an opportunity to honor their mothers, thank them for their efforts in giving them life, raising them and being their constant support and well wisher.
Friday, May 9, 2008
IT in Canada
As I heared about the IT in Canada, it is a social media site dedicated to building a truly national dialogue on IT issues. It is run by internationally recognized IT industry analyst Michael O'Neil . In other words IT in Canada is the Canadian community of IT professionals and policy makers. When you visit their webdsite there is a section of IT in Canada White Paper download page, where IT's can download documents related to International technologies. It provides a detailed explanation on how to use - and cost justify - social media-based campaigns in a B2B context. PR firms and advertisers need this input to unlock social media's potential.
Healthy Mind something we all want. Life is not supposed to hurt--at least, not all of the time. It is meant to be a positive, meaningful experience despite difficulties that come along. It can have buoyancy, bounce, whimsy and surprise. However, when problems arise it can be very difficult to experience these things.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Translator's Corner
Professional Translations made your business easy. This Translator's Corner is a new marketplace of professional translators when translators and clients meet and do business together. So if you need a professional translator , just go to the Translator's Corner and find your ideal translator and they will guarantee you the safety of both parties money and the quality of the translations. If you are a professional translator, you can register now on their translators corner for free and there is no subscription fees, you don't need a credit card, or pay them ever. And you can get the access to all clients for free. And if you are finding a translator, all you have to do is that, you can look at or search for professional translator and you get an instant quotes. They offer the best price and risk free for you and them. Translators from around the world compete their business on translator's corner marketplace. Their commitment in finding a translator for you at the right price and get your translation get done the first time in less than 10 minutes.
And for translators, if you don't get paid they don't get paid also. But they will keep a record for clients who don't pay so you can not work with them anymore. Translator's Corner is actively promoting their services all over the world so you can get access to your country and all over the world and your job is always their.
Translator's Corner Corp is a United States' Corporation based in Austin, TX that was formed by a team of Argentine software developers and an American translation project manager.They are dedicated this project to making translator's lives easier and safer and they are hoping ho to give excellent service to all users of the site.
For more information and details, visit Translator's Corner now and register to have an account and starting working as a translator.
Tips to Save Money
Here are the tips on how to save money outlined by Dough Roller
*Combine your cable, internet and telephone service.---There are companies that will combined services that cost less. We had on from AT&T, our cellphone, high speed internet, and landline are all combined.
*Send away for and allow up on rebates..
* Request a reduction in the interest rate on your credit cards
*Refinance you mortgage.
*Get rid of Private Mortgage Insurance
*Get your books from the library
*Get DVDs from the library
*Subscribe to magazines that are must reads
*Request a discount on trash service
*Never pay checking account fees.
*Get a rewards card
*Pay your life insurance annually.
*Increase insurance deductibles
Those are some of the Money Saving Tips from
Sherman College
Sherman College is the school for whoever wants to be a chiropractor. This is is a good chiropractic colleges that is located in South Carolina. Chiropractic involves the study of philosophy, science and art. Philosophy considers the fundamental nature of existence, of human beings and of their interaction with the environment. The goal of this chiropractor school is to correct vertebral subluxations so the nerve system can deliver the right information at the right time in the right amounts to each part of the body. So if you are considering to to be future Chiropractor Sherman College considering going to this prestigious school
Jobs that Pay More
Here are 10 jobs that earn more than $20 per hour . Let see where you belong or where you are looking forward into.
1. Gaming supervisors – $20.38/ hour*
Gaming supervisors watch over assigned areas in casinos and gaming facilities to make sure that all gaming stations are covered and gamblers are following the rules.
Annual salary: $42,390*
Growth through 2016: 23 percent
Industry: Personal care and services
2. Health educators – $21.81/hour
Health educators encourage people and communities to live healthy lifestyles by teaching them about healthy behaviors and how to prevent diseases.
Annual salary: $45,370
Growth through 2016: 26 percent
Industry: Community and social services
3. Subway and streetcar operators – $22.20/hour
Subway and streetcar operators control or drive trains, electric-powered streetcars and trolleys that transport passengers in metropolitan areas.
Annual salary: $46,180
Growth through 2016: 12 percent
Industry: Transportation and materials moving
4. Respiratory therapists – $23.37/hour
Respiratory therapists practice under a physician's supervision to treat patients with breathing or other cardiopulmonary disorders.
Annual salary: $48,610
Growth through 2016: 23 percent
Industry: Health care practitioner and technicians
5. Curators – $24.03/hour
Curators manage museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, nature centers and historic sites. They direct collections storage and exhibitions, including negotiating and authorizing the purchase, sale, exchange or loan of collections.
Annual salary: $49,980
Growth through 2016: 23 percent
Industry: Education, training and library occupations
6. Cartographers and photogrammetrists – $25.29/hour
Cartographers and photogrammetrists analyze and map geographic data provided by surveys, satellite information and photographs.
Annual salary: $52,600
Growth through 2016: 20 percent
Industry: Architecture and engineering
7. Multimedia artists and animators – $27.90/hour
Multimedia artists and animators create special effects, animation or other visual images seen in movies, television programs and computer games.
Annual salary: $58,030
Growth through 2016: 26 percent
Industry: Arts, design, entertainment, sports and media
8. Arbitrators, mediators and reconcilers – $28.27/hour
Arbitrators, mediators and reconcilers decide or recommend resolutions, penalties and liabilities on claims regarding legal matters.
Annual salary: $58,790
Growth through 2016: 11 percent
Industry: Legal
9. Urban and regional planners - $28.33/hour
Urban and regional planners develop plans and programs for land use and physical facilities in towns, cities, counties and metropolitan areas.
Annual salary: $58,940
Growth through 2016: 15 percent
Industry: Life, physical and social sciences
10. Loan officers – $29.77/hour
Loan officers approve various types of credit loans and advise borrowers on financial status and methods of payments.
Annual salary: $61,930
Growth through 2016: 11 percent
Industry: Business and financial operations
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Car Service
When going to have a vacation it is nice to rent a car rather than bringing your own car and driving it all the way to your destination. You can just rent a car and you don't have to worry on where to park. So, before leaving for a vacation, you can make a reservation online ahead on time. Like when you're planning on going to New York, LGA car service can help you. They provide airport car service to New York and the surrounding tri-state are for over 30 years. I am talking of Dial 7, they are the best airport car services in New Jersey and New York. Their wide selection of vehicles offers you the ability to choose exactly which style of car you want as well as the meets your specific requirements. They offers the best ride in town ever. You can make a reservation online by calling their local phone number at 212-777-7777 and for outside New York City you can call them on their toll free at 800-777-8888. all their lines are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Again, Dial 7 is a reliable airport car service to JFK, Newark or LaGuardia.
Meaning of Pink Rose
South Carolina Homes
When buying a house, there are a lot of things that we have to consider. First, is the quality, the safety and the price make sure it meets our budget. has the best value in custom home building. Shumacher Homes is the leading home builder. Their South Carolina Custom Homes can easily be viewed South Carolina Floorplans and customize them to suit your family's needs every home they build in South Carolina which is made of quality craftsmanship so you can always expect the best value in custom home building. So build your dream house now in South Carolina with Schumacher Homes. But Shumacher Home does not only build homes in South Carolina but in multiple cities across United States.
Signs that we Need a Hair Makeover
I don't always cut my hair. The last I had my hair done was on 2 months ago and probably I will have it done in couple of months.
Here are some signs or clues that we need a hair makeover.
*Your Hair has no volume- The top is flat, the sides are bulky, and it no longer frames your features.
*Your friends assure you that you have'nt changed a bit.
*Your highlisht are more noticeable than your base color--This is an indication that your highlights have become too heavy
*You're not receiving compliment on your hair anymore.
* Your hair and skin tone match--If your tress and skin tones have become too close, you could benefit from lowlights
*Your clothes have evolove but your hair has not.
*You pull your hair into a ponytail all the time.
* You spend more than 20 mintes styling your hair.
*Your stylist could cut your hair with her eyes closed.
The easiest way to keep current? Start with a versatile cut, then alter your texture and color as often as you like! For a look like the one shown here, begin with long layers and use volumizing spray on your roots.
source: marie claire's hair styles magazine
Home Loans at Country Wide Credit offered Countrywide Home loans and Home Equity Loan . They provided consumers with debt management and relief services across many areas of finance. They offered a comprehensive information on credit related topics. And if you are looking for a home loan , you can start learning how credit can impact the type of home loans that may be available to you. Country wide also offers credit tools and calculators, mortgage rewards credit card and comprehensive credit learning center to help education individual on credit related topics. Why choosing Countrywidecredit?, because, they are offered by Countrywide Home Loans a divistion of Countrywide Bank, FSB, along with Experian and first USA
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Late Night Update
Hi everyone, its 11:00'clock at night here. I am here watching news while updating my blogs and have it ready for the next day. Today, was a productive day for me. It's one of my the busiest day. Few minutes ago, I made our dinner cause I haven't been eaten since this morning because I don't have a chance to prepare for our food, good thing Rick was not here. He was also busy on his other job, so I was by myself here. But anyway, I am thankful I made it through the day. And I'll pray that tomorrow will be more productive day. In a little bit after done doing few task here I'll be going to bed and have some rest cause I am worn out already.
Debt Counseling
When an individual has problem on managing his finances,and he could not deal anymore his debts, he needs to undergo a debt counseling to help him handle is financial burden. There are companies that helps you to consolidate your credit so instead of paying the whole amount you will only pay part of it, but again it's a process. One of the company that helps debt consolidation is the Credit Exchange Corporation. They are not a debt management company but they serve in the capacity of providing debt referral services for customers seeking help with help consolidation and debt management and want to improve their financial condition. They offer all forms of financial services such as Financial Analysis, complete Credit and Debt counseling, and Debt Settlement through our affiliate network of debt consolidation and debt management companies.
Last but not the List
Again, this will be my last i*nt*r*m for today.I have already done 2 task from ppp for this blog. And I have one waiting for me to write something about it And after that, I' will be relaxing my self on our comfortable bed. I feel I wanna lay down cause my back is killing me. Others are complaining that their eyes are complaining from always in front of the pc, but me no, only my back...but its painful that's why when I am done for today I will sleep and have some rest.
Well, anyway, so much for now..I'll see you on my next entries
Promotional Apparel and Corporate Gifts
Wanted to wear an apparel that shows your company's logo on it? You can find those apparels at They have Promotional Apparel , including products like shirts, hats, that are made of highest quality materials and designed for you to wear forever. Gimmees also provide
promotional products and trade show items for business owners and anyone interested in promoting their product or brand. Because their product are proven already, so it is effective way to promote or market your company. In order to know more about Gimmees, visit their website and see what they got there. is your source for unbeatable prices and quality on promotional corporate logo apparel like custom embroidered corporate apparel and imprinted caps and hats.
To Do List
Joanne of Me, Myself and I tagged me this "what to do list". Thank you so much sis.
Actually I don't really write on the things that needs to be done everyday. But now I have to write here on what I am planning to do for the whole week..
Today, we're planning on going to the theater to watch "The Iron Man".
-and since today is the last day of the Tulip Festival, so we will be going at the Festival to see what's going on there.
-I have to work tomorrow and the rest of the week, so I'll be here in the house only the time I get out from work in the morning...have some sleep, do my blogging job, and do the household chores.
-And, I don't really go out that much especially if it's not my time off.
BUSY PEOPLE: 1.) my chopsuey 2.) mind bubbles 3.) vanity kit 4.)somethingpurple 5.) a detour 5.) Confessions of a Supermodel Wannabe 6.) Mommy Talks. 7.) Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps 8.) Winding Creek Circle 9.)Pink and Brown Diaries 10.) Juls Random Thoughts 11.) In This Game of Life 12.) Me, Myself and I, 13) Retchel's Online Buzz
Monday, May 5, 2008
Body Detox
Body detoxication is important to maintain a healthy balance in our body. Dual-Action Cleanse is the ultimate Colon Cleanser formula available on the market today. This formula is specifically designed to help the body rid itself of accumulated waste such as mucous and undigested matter that can built up in the colon. Even if our body provides its own system of healing,we still need to care of our body. Many doctors consider detoxication as key to personal wellness. You can get this the product for body detox and colon cleansing at Dual-Action Cleanse, where you can get a deep discount that saves you $30 when you buy them and you can also get a free shipping on every 60-day supply on their convenient auto-ship program. The natural formula that Dual-Action Cleanse has changed hundreds of thousand of people's lives by cleansing the digestive tact of harmful toxins.
Store Sales
While waiting for some task to do, I was looking on the website of one of my favorite store which is JCP and Khols. I found some stuff that I am interested but I try to convince myself not to shop for clothes until August which is at the end of summer and stores are starting to receive fall items and of course summer stuff that are left over goes on sale which is mostly 30-60% or more. I usually shop clothes for my family back home during those times because that is the end of the sean and mostly the stuff are on sale and by that I can get a good deal. Like last year I bought some cargo pants for only $5 each from the original price which is around 30-40$ if they are not on sale. So I will do the same for this year, wait until the season is over before buying stuff to send home.
Acne Treatment at
I have tried Proactive Solution before for my Acne Treatment, but due to laziness I discontinue using it. And now that my pimples are coming back again I am planning on subscribing from them. I can tell you that it is very effective. I have heard from my friends that they are also using Proactive Solution it really works good. There is an acne website that provides information about acne, including acne various causes and effects and the type of preventative measures. The name of the website is, they are a comprehensive acne resource. As you browse on their website you will find out the types of acne and what are the causes and effects of acne and also the prevention. So if you have acne problems and want some fast cure visit this website so you will have the idea what acne products can help treat your.
Trying to get ahead
..hehe...I am talking about my interim post for all my blogs because I am trying to write one as soon as I get done with the task but when there's another task to write, I need to stop writing about it. And when I'm done with the task, again continue writing with the interim. Hayz..there are times that you are out of words, where you don't know what you want to talk about. I wish I have enough time to write when I get done all my task for the day but when there are no campaigns available for me, that's the time I can go back to bed and sleep. I think that's (sleep) the only thing that I always miss everyday, getting enough sleep. *sigh*
Best Credit Cards
When I was applying my first credit card application, I found a site which has a lot of credit cards listed. So I was browsing each of them and compared each interest is one of the website that I am talking about. You can find lots of information about all the credit cards online through Credit Card Best. You can also find about credit card history, rewards program, and the top credit cards available online. At you can learn about the best offers online, compare the assortment of the leading banks and companies and apply for the deal, you like and receive an online approval. You can also find the great variety of attractive and profitable deals that are available online. carry the best online offers for diverse consumers.And they represent a secured and unsecured online applications which is available for citizens with excellent score. On their website you can search for best credit cards and compare the rates each credit cards offered. There are also sites for good credit history card and for bad history card. So if you think your credit history is a little disappointed you can still get a credit card. So try to check for best credit cards available online.
Press Release:
If you are lucky and have good credit, all doors are open in front of you. Now you are considered to be a trustworthy customer who is eligible for the most beneficial credit card offers.
Looking for profit, most of consumers apply for credit cards with reward programs. Of course, obtaining a rewards plastic you can benefit a lot from redeeming bonus points for gift certificates, cash back, or free services.
But pay attention to low interest cards. Low interest credit cards will let you save your money on interest charges.
You know, APR, or annual percentage rate, is a yearly interest rate you pay for operations with your plastic. So, the lower ongoing APR your credit card has, the more money you will save.
Before applying for a low interest card, make your little research. Most of banks offer plastics with low APR, but read carefully a credit card agreement. It often turns out that these low APR is applied only for an introductory period. So, read the fine print to be sure that promised low ongoing interests won’t skyrocket after an introductory period will be over.
Learn more about low interest rate offers at in order to make the most beneficial credit deal.
How to find a Cheaper Gas
As I mentioned in my previous entry that Gas prices are so high and it is so ridiculous. Everytime the gas prices are high, food also will rise in price because everything has to be shipped and of course it needs gas.
Well, anyway I read an article written by Liz Pulliam Weston on ways how to find cheaper gas. I know it does not apply to everybody, it just depend on where you live..
Here it is...
*Check the Internet-Mapquest and MSN Autos use data to track gas prices across the county. I tried to check the gas right now through Mapquest, and there I found the cheaper gas which is not that far from here.
*Let the prices come to you- meaning, if you got a cellphone, several companies will send you a text message with the area's lowest gas prices if you message them your ZIP code.
"If your phone supports sending a text message to an e-mail address, you can get prices on the go from, or If not, try's service by sending the word "gas" and your ZIP code to 415-676-8397. The services are free, but your cell-phone company will charge you for text messages if they're not included in your plan."
*Visit the other side of the tracks-You know that, when you live in a nicer neighboorhood, the more you'll pay for gas, but if you try to go to the other side of your town you can find a cheaper gas. Like here, we live in the South side of Holland, and gas are a bit higher than in the North side. So everytime we go to the Northside, we take our time to fill up our gas tank.
*Look for 'loss leader"---- like, discount retailers, like Wall-Marm Kmart and grocery stores that have pumps often charge less than the competition to get people on their lots, knowing they will spend more inside for grocery and that make up the difference.
*Consider a gas rebate card---okay, like what we got from Speedway, everytime we purchase on their store we got points, and there are times that there is a discount when we buy gas that if we use our Speedway cards.
*Keep cash handy--I know that most of us uses our ATM or debit card for gas.But don't you know that there are gasoline stations that will charge you when you use your debit card? But if you don't really have cash in our hand, we don't have choice.
*Use legitimate coupons- there are gas stations with carwashes may offer discount coupons,, so may want to check it out when you have you car wash done..
*Use less gas- I always told my husband to drive less so we can save gas. And instead of driving to places that we don't have to we will just stay in the house and drive only to the store or to work so that way we can save for gas.
Bust Your Speeding Ticket
Okay, how many times you got a spending ticket last month? once ? or maybe more...I know it is alot of money when you get caught for speeding. If you live somewhere in California there's a service on How to Beat a Speeding Ticket in California . The name of the website is, they offers traffic ticket fighting services. They can also help Bust your ticket, where they can help you to dismissed or reduced your ticket. So better check their website now, cause I know when you got a traffic ticket your insurance will get higher or in any others the more speeding ticket you get in a year the more mark you get in your drivers record so better get their service now to stop speeding ticket.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Do's and Don'ts on Job Hunting
I know it is hard to find a job that you want. Even if you have a job but sometimes that is not what you want so you can decide on looking for a new one. But no matter what position you are looking for, jobs are jobs. Sometimes it is hard to adjust the environment, your new co-workers when you always shift to another job.
Following are some do's and don'ts for conducting a job search while employed which I summarized from the article that I have read about careers..
DON'T overlook opportunities within your own company.
DO be discreet, If you want to keep your job search a secret, don't talk about your job hunting. If you tell your co-workers , you can be sure that it will get back to your boss, one way or another.
DON'T search on your employer's time. Of course it is inappropriate when you are surfing the web searching for job and you're being paid for your employer.
DO get organized. Set aside blocks of time that you can devote your employment search.
DON'T use company resources. No matter how covenient it may be, don't use office stationery, stamps, fax machines or copiers.
DO be careful where you post your resume.
DON'T make up excuses when meeting with hiring managers.
DO pay attention to how you dress.
DON'T forget to network.More jobs are obtained through word of mouth than any other method, so take every opportunity to expand your circle of contacts.
DO register with staffing firm. And consider partnering with a recruiter who can work discreetly on your behalf to distribute your resume and uncover job upportunities.
Mystery Shopping Company
How companies can improve consumer relations? Okay, in order to know about the performance of your companies, you need to have a customer survey programs to gather information about your employees on how they serve the customer. And BestMark is the answer for this. They allow you not only to gather incident specific performance but also to track and identify strengths and weaknesses of your employees when you hire a mystery shopping company, which is BestMark. It helps your business to become more customer-oriented. Basically, when the mystery shopper goes into your place of business, he will ask an employee for help and test his knowledge on certain products. He will also see how courteous and attentive your employees are to customers including himself. Then he will check out with a small purchase at the cash register and will observe how he is treated by the cashier during his purchase and exiting the store. Then he will make out his report and will be sent in to your company for evaluation.
The Day is Over
Yes, the day was over and I am glad I did all my task for this blog today on the right time. And now it's another day, another day to start doing my task in blogging. But, wait it's too early to start. But I have a pending task that I have to do before it expires in 4hrs. And I have to write something about the campaigns also before going to bed because it's getting late here. head is killing me again. Seems like I need to go bed right away..well...I'll try to think fast so I will be done sooner...
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Summer is almost here and I am sure you have plan already on going to places you love to go. and if you haven't book for your accommodation , consider renting on a vacation rental house so all your family member can stay on the same house. Besides, you can save hundreds of dollars on renting compared if you are going to stay in a hotel. And I would recommend you to visit, they offers travel enthusiasts tools to create, plan, and save vacations. Those who are registered members, they can invite friends and family to accompany with them on their vacation through their easy to use tools that allows them to send their vacation anywhere they want. A member can go to Cape Cod vacation rental which is the most popular Cape and Island summer vacation destination . has a video features that they have just added to their site, so homeowners can add video to their listing and so vacationer can see more of the properties which they can consider to visit and rent.
Who are your ocean's 11
Got this tag from CC. You know, this is a very quick tag that I made. CC, gave this to me cause I really need one for my *n*r*im. So I decided to do this even I don't like tag which have lots of question on it because it takes me time to answer. But here it is...there are rules that needs to follow, but I am not sure if I can follow all of it...but I'll try, I will try to be honest...hehe
Rule :
Name 11 people you can think of right off the top of your head. Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 11 people. This is a lot funnier if you actually randomly list the names first. No cheating.
Okay here it goes...
1. Rickoy
2. Mama
3. Papa
4. Meol
5. Ate
6. Dun2x
7.My Nieces and nephews
8. CC
10. Neil Lawrence
11. Cherill
Now it's time to answer the following questions:
1.HOW DID YOU MEET #4?~ Actually she is my younger sister...
2.WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITHOUT # 6?~ you know he is little brother and he is very helpful to me and he is one of my inspiration.
3.WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF #2 AND # 6 WERE GOING OUT?~Ohh, no, that would be hard, they are my life.
4.WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF #5 CONFESSED HE/SHE LOVES YOU?~ I know she loves her "ate" and I can guarantee you that.
5.WHO'S #10'S BEST FRIEND?~ He is my nephew and actually seems like he is our youngest brother because we raised him since he was a little baby.
6.HAVE YOU EVER EATEN AROUND #1?~ haha always, actually he always cooks me.
7.DO YOU MISS #2?~ yes of course, I miss my Mama terribly.
8.WHO IS #11 DATING?~ hmm as far as I know she's dating the father of her son...
9.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF #3?~ He is my loving Father..
10.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF #9?~ he might be a good partner for my daughter in law
11.WHAT WOULD U DO IF #4 AND #7 WERE DATING?~ actually, they are always dating...
12.WOULD YOU MARRY #8?~ haha..c CC yan...hay ..what a question!
13.DO YOU LOVE #10?~ hmm let me see who #10..oh yah of course I love him so much...and miss him a lot too..hayzzz..
Designer Hand Bags
Mostly women likes to collects designer handbags because I am too. I have few collection of fashionable one with me that are kept in my closets. Bolzano handbags, is one of the designer handbag that I would like to have for my collection. Bolzano Handbags is a brand of luxury handbags and leather accessories. If you love to collect designer bags I am sure you will love to collect Bolzano. Each of their products is crafted with today's woman in mind, Bolzano handbags allow the contemporary woman to express her unique look while meeting the demands of her lifestyle. This is an authentic Italian leather handbags which luxury, style, elegance and quality come together in their "must have" accessories.
Time to Sleep
Now that I am done with my last task, I have to go to bed now so I will have a good night sleep so I can get up early in the morning and can do more stuff, because I have not done anything interesting earlier except sleeping and blogging while hubby was on his computer also. I was planning on doing my laundy but I was so tired maybe I will have it wash tomorrow morning..
So gotta go now..getting tired here.....
eDrugstore Prescription is an online pharmacy with the lowest prices of prescription medicines which is approved by FDA. eDrugstore is the internet's online pharmacy that offers a safe, secure, private, and convenient way to buy our online prescriptions. They also offers free medical consultations and sells only authentic FDA-approved medications to safeguard everybody's health. One of the prescription drug where you can buy online is Cialis. The cialis that they are selling is manufactured by Eli Lilly/ICOS. Other than that, they are also selling viagra and levitra online where viagra is manufactured by Pfizer and Levitra is manufactured by Bayer/GlaxoSmithkline. And if you need a refill for your prescription medicine just their website and order online. All of their refills or after your first order, they will take a $20 off the retail price of all online prescription. Just go through their online pharmacy refill page to order. That's fast as it is. Buying your medicine online is a lot better than going to store. It can save you time, effort and money. Their delivery time is very minimal and their packaging is secure and discrete. And for more information on buying your prescription medicine online just visit eDrugstore.MD, the internet's leading online pharmacy.
Another Day....
It's another brand new day again. Actually it' s only 12:10am and I just got up from a nice nap. I slept for like 2 hours and here I am wide awake. I think I'll be going to bed couple hours from now since I am not that tired. I am glad that me and my hubby we're both home for tonight because not all the time the we have the same night off. Hopefully the weather is nice when we get up in the morning so we can do some stuff outdoor and clean our front yard. We're planning on going to the farmers market in the morning so we can buy fresh fruits, veges and flowers but that depends on the weather.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Unique Cufflinks and Modern Cufflinks designs, mens accessories like cufflinks, watches and jewelry. They are of the highest quality and consistently set the tone for men's fashion. They have a nice Silver Cufflinks that you can get for your men. For women, you can also find the nice jewelry you are looking for that fits your fashion style. The seasonal collections for both men and women have a distinctive signature, constantly reflecting and reinterpreting trends in fashion. Just visit their website and look at the galleries of jewelry that they have in there and I'm sure you will love the designs of their Unique and Modern Cufflinks. They have affordable prices for the accessories that you are looking for.
Our Tax Rebates
I thought we will be getting our tax rebate or the stimulus by this month, but I am not sure with that yet because I read something about the rebate and it says that it depends on the last 2 digits of the SSN # of the primary filer. And since hubby is the head of the family so that depends on his last 2 digits of his SSN. And since our is not directly deposited to our checking account we will not get our rebate until next month or so.
Retire Early and Live on Your Investments
Have you ever thought of retiring early and living on your investment? Well, you got the right idea, Diamond Bay Investment will help you build wealth through real estate trust deeds in quality investment environments. Diamond Bay is the great way for personal investing . When you invest with them you could attain a 12 percent return rate which is ideal for retirement, income, and IRA investment portfolios. So even if you retire early your future is guaranteed , so if you're looking for the leisure life then Diamond Bay is the answer. So call, them today and start planning your early retirement.
Tag from Avee
Okay, I got a tagged from Avee of Reminiscence of My Adventures ..Thank sis for this very interesting tag.
Here is the result of the quiz. I am not sure if this is true or if this can be happend , but here it is from the questions "Will You Die Succesfully".? hmmm interesting...

Take the Will you die successful? Quiz
Myspace Quizzes!!

Pepperjam Affiliate
Pepperjam is a Full-Service Internet Marketing Agency. They are one of the fastest growing privately-held businesses in the United States. The Pepperjam Affiliate Management, which is headed by the Director of Affiliate Marketing, Roblyn Jones, are the successful affiliates which represents a uniquely powerful online marketing channel. Unlike most agencies that offer expertise limited to one vertical, Pepperjam offers extensive areas of search engine marketing, affiliate marketing and online media planning and management. Their successful affiliate programs have one or more dedicated affiliate managers that are responsible for growing and cultivating the program on a daily basis. Right now, Pepperjam is recruiting and affiliate manager to be part on Pepperjam's Affiliate Program management programs. If you are interested just check it out.
Tulip Time
Wow, it's Tulip time here in Holland. The Tulip Festival will starts on the 3rd of this Month and will last until the 1oth. We will be going down to the Festival since I don't have to work in the morning. And it is nice to see those nice Tulip flowers that are on the street.Hopefully the weather is nice and we're hopping that we can witness the parade also to see those Dutch women and men who will be dancing on the street with their Dutch costume, that would be fun to watch. I can't wait coz we missed the festival cause we were so busy that time but we were able to go to the Windmill Village the year before last year and that was my first time.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Personal Loan
Applying for Personal Loan is not really that hard when you apply online at Personal Loans Mania. The reason is, there are no credit check required and unlike most banks a large collateral is required when you apply personal loan before you get approve. You will receive the same great service that thousands of Americans on a daily basis. Personal Loans Mania is a nationwide personal loan service which provides online convenience to everyone. So if you need money right now, apply for personal loans online now and it will only take 3 minutes or less for you to get approve for free.
If you're looking for a cash advance, surf the web for great information on the options available. Before you sign a contract on a loan, be certain to investigate the fine print before you commit
Xoom Exchange Rate
Few minutes ago I had a transaction with xoom. Currently their exchange rate is US$ 1.00 = PHP 40.9893. It was a little bit higher for just cents compared to my last transaction with them 10days ago. I was thinking of using moneygram online but they charged more than xoom, so I sticked to xoom. Well, I am hoping the $ will get stronger against the peso. I know it is not good to Philippine economy when it happens but if $ will continue dropping , we will also get affected cause the money that we are sending to our love ones doesn't be that much or $ will not have a value anymore. Hopefully the US economy will get better too...
Free Credit Score Online
Do you know what is your credit score? or have you ever tried inquiring about your credit score? We know that when we apply for credit cards , credit cards companies will inquire first your credit score before they will approve you. So before applying for credit cards, you need to know what is your credit score by getting a report from credit bureaus. Your approval depends on your credit score. So if your credit score is low, your interest rate that you have to pay is higher. So before applying for credit cards you need to be careful especially when you apply online. It is a good idea to browse through the internet first before deciding. Because the rates of your credit varies on you financial background, on how to handle your finances, or if you pay your bills on it. So if you have problem managing your credit cards, and maintaining a good credit score, there is a free credit advice for credit cards holders that can help you enlighten on how to manage your finances. You can also check your credit score for free at Free Credit Score Online. On this site, you will know some information about credit cards, credit reports, credit cards and etc.
Press Release:
Credit card business is highly developed nowadays. It is very profitable and they try hard to earn as much money as they can. If you have bad credit they will be unpleased with your with to lower interest rates or to talk about fees. But if your credit rating is perfect credit card companies will do their best to make you their frequent customer. You have to take this chance and get what you need from credit card companies.
Still you have to careful in the process of choosing and applying online for a credit card. Here are some steps to follow for you to play credit cards with ease and get the best treatment.
1. First of all you should know what your credit score is. Address the major credit bureaus and they will give you the needed information at a small price.
2. Browse through the Internet and look through all the available offers. Decide what you want to see in your credit card. Compare all the cards and it will help you to make the best choice.
3. Take time and call various credit card companies to find the better deal. It really works and it will give you a whole lot of possibilities.
So if your credit score is good don't hesitate to use this chance to your profit. Credit card companies will do everything to keep you as their customer. Use this opportunity and find the best credit card!
I got this tagged from Imelda of missbodybeautiful. Salamat sis, hope you can give me more next time:)
Here are the rules:
Remove one (1) question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag eight (8) people in your list. List them out at the end of this post.
1. At what age do/did you wish to marry? married when I was 25
2. What color do you like most? White, light blue
3. Have you ever shoplifted? nope
4. Which part in you do you hate most?
5. When you encounter a sad moment, what do you do ? think , cry and accept .
6. What are you afraid to lose the most? my love ones
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do? invest, travel, build a vacation house.
8. How do you cope with boredom? playing my pc and sleep
10. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most? hmm you don't have to know
11. Which type of person do you hate the most? pa as if
13. If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
14. How did you celebrate New Year? I think I was at work.
15. It is already 2008, do you have a new year’s resolution? save money...
16. What do you look forward in 2008? actually it was done, when I went back home..
17. What will you do if the world comes to an end? enjoy life to the fullest
18. How are you sincere with your fellow bloggers? Very. I enjoy reading thieir blogs
19. HOw does blogging help you? It helps me in many ways.
20. How many hours do you regularly spend in your computer to blog? like 10 hours a day or more...
I am going to forward this to Keep..
Chantal Burnison & Ethocyn
Chantal Pharmaceuticals has developed an entire line of anti-aging beauty products that moisturize our skin as they add to the elastin content beneath the surface. It was founder by Chantal Burnison where she provides variety of beauty products to treat aging skin and restore the natural elasticity and resilency found in younger skin. Here are the products of Chantal Ethocyn like of skin care. Ethocyn Cleansers is of of them, it is a cleansing gel and masque that allows to clean our face and remove dead skin cells. Also Chantal Ethocyn Essence Serum, this is a concentrated formula that benefits the surface of the skin. And the product called Ethocyn Face, Hand and Body Moisturizers, this provides 3rd dose of Ethocyn while hydrating our skin for optimal health. All her products helps reduce the natural effects of aging on both mean and women's appearance.
Page Rank Two
Yes I am glad that after Google updated their page ranking system. This blog is now PR2. I never expect that this blog will have a page rank since I don't update this always compared to my other blogs. But I am glad since I switched this to myy domain already. And there will be more opportunity that I can get especially from ppp..