Are you searching for additional information regarding credit card machines? The Internet can provide you with a huge deal of information regarding a credit card processing, business credit card machine, and merchant services that can help your business accept credit cards
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Unsecured Credit Lines
Are you searching for additional information regarding credit card machines? The Internet can provide you with a huge deal of information regarding a credit card processing, business credit card machine, and merchant services that can help your business accept credit cards
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Winter Storm Again
I was on bed already, try to go to sleep and close my eyes, but I can't, I can hear the wind blows. It is like a wind when there is a typhoon in the Philippines it is very strong. I was scared earlier cause the door was opened and not knowing the wind opened it. I thought hubby is coming home that early, so I was waiting if he will call my name but I was wrong and I checked the door and was looking outside but nobody's there, there was no car. I closed the door again and make sure the wind would not bother me again. Because of the noise I can't sleep. I tried to close my eyes but I can't, that's why I am still up until this time. It's 5:30 in the morning already. I will try to go back to bed when I am done with this so I will have enough time to sleep cause I have to work tomorrow.
Earlier when we got out from work, it was bad already. It seems like the wind will pick me up on the air. It was really scary. My friend at work dropped me home ,on our way here, we can hardly see the road and the cars ahead of us, only their lights. All we saw are white stuff that flying. As of the moment the temperature outside is 9F, just imagine how cold it is.
But thanks God we're home safe.
I think I have to go now, so much for the night. But before I will go to bed. I have to say
Happy Birthday to my sister! I have a birthday entry for her, on my other blog, just click here.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Prescription Eyeglasses @ Zenni Optical
Prescription Eyeglasses for as low as $8. You can buy it at the Great Discovery:Zenni Optical.At Zenni, you can find the huge selection of frames, with single vision eyeglasses. For only $8 for your prescription glasses you can see better than before., best thing found:zenni optical you wont have hard time reading those small prints novels.
Zenni Optical $8 Rx Glasses sells internationally and the secret for their low prices is that because they manufactured their own frames direct to the customer.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Biggest Heart Award
I am so grateful to Michelle for personally making this" biggest heart award" just to share to us, her added friends on her blogroll. I am so honored, cause I feel this is a very different award than the awards that others give me.
I am going to share this award to Idealpinkrose, Pinaymama, Our Journey as Family ,and to Stars in the Sky.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Playing Online Billiard
My Dad loves to play billiard. I remember when I was a kid I am always with his side while he is playing. I have tried to play while I am with him but I can hardly carry the stick cause it was heavy at my age.And the table was way to high for me, so I just look at him with the other players while they were playing.But since I came here, the computer is my friend. My online friends invited me to try playing online pool.At first, I don't know how to click the mouse on the right timing so the ball will go inside the hole. But, I found it very entertaining. I had fan playing especially when I win. Now, I can imagine that billiard fanatic likes to join for a billiard tournaments online cause it is fun and exciting and they have a chance to play against a wide range of skilled opponents.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
2008 Miss America Contestant
52 contestant from 52 States competed for 2008 Miss America Pageant today Saturday. It was held in Las Vegas Nevada. Just click their names for their complete profile.Jamie Leigh Langley
Wadley,Alabama Age:24Cari Makanani Villareal Leyva
Anchorage, Alaska
Age: 24Nicole Turner
Phoenix, Arizona
Age: 24Katie Bailey
Conway, Arkansas
Age: 25Melissa Chaty
Ukiah, California
Age: 24Maggie Ireland
Littleton, Colorado
Age: 22Dana Elaine Daunis
Watertown, Connecticut
Age: 22Brittany Dempsey
Dover, Delaware
Age: 20Shayna Rudd
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Age: 22Kylie Jean Williams
Jasper, Florida
Age: 24Leah Massee
Fitzgerald, Georgia
Age: 24Ashley Ku'ualoha LayfieldKane'oha, HawaiiAge: 21
Sadie Quigley
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Age: 19Ashley Nicole Hatfield
Anna, Illinois
Age: 24Nicole Elizabeth Rash
Plymouth, Indiana
Age: 23Diana Reed
Norwalk, Iowa
Age: 23Alyssa Anne George
Minneapolis, Kansas
Age: 22Kaitlynne Postel
Lexington, Kentucky
Age: 21Amanda Joseph
Pineville, Louisiana
Age: 21Tara Allain
Waterville, Maine
Age: 22Shana Powell
Bowie, Maryland
Age: 22Valerie J. Amaral
Acushnet, Massachusetts
Age: 22 Kristine Haglund
Farmington Hills, Michigan,
Age:19Jennifer Ann Hudspeth
Apple Valley, Minnesota
Age: 23Kimberly Nicole Morgan
Taylor, Mississippi
Age: 24Lindsay J. Casmaer
Hazelwood, Missouri
Age: 24Kristen Mantooth
Lewistown, Montana
Age: 22Ashley Bauer
Scottsbluff, Nebraska
Age: 22Caleche Manos
South Lake Tahoe, California
Age: 23Rachel Barker
Amherst, New Hampshire
Age: 20Amy Nicole Polumbo
Howell, New Jersey
Age: 23Jenny Marlowe
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Age: 23Elisabeth Baldanza
East Meredith, New York
Age: 24Jessica Marie Jacobs
High Point, North Carolina
Age: 23Ashley Anne Young
Grands Forks, North Dakota
Age: 20Roberta J. Camp
Grove City, Ohio
Age: 23Makenna Lee Smith
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Age: 24Kari Virding
Portland, Oregon
Age: 24Rachel Marie Brooks
Broomall, Pennsylvania
Age: 24Ashley Bickford
Newport, Rhode Island
Age: 22Crystal Alicia Garrett
Columbia, South Carolina
Age: 21Kate Wismer
Britton, South Dakota
Age: 22Grace Gore
Nashville, Tennessee
Age: 24Molly Leigh Hazlett
Centerville, Texas
Age: 21Jill Stevens
Kaysville, Utah
Age: 24Rachel Ann Cole
Middlebury, Vermont
Age: 22Janeisha John
St. Croix, Virgin Islands
Age: 20Hannah Martine Kiefer
Roanoke, Virginia
Age: 21Elyse L. Umemoto
Wapato, Washington
Age: 23Summer Elizabeth Wyatt
Princeton, West Virginia
Age: 21Christina Anna Thompson
Madison, Wisconsin
Age: 23Jennifer Lee McCafferty
Laramie, Wyoming
Age: 24