Zoom airline suspended all flights Friday. Aug 29 that left hundreds of travelers stranded. According to the news that Zoom's founders apologized to passengers several hours after their flight had been cancelled explaining that the airline had to be suspended after the company failed to pay bills to government, airports, suppliers and aircraft creditors
Friday, August 29, 2008
Zoom airline suspended
Thursday, August 28, 2008
The Gold and Oil Trading Advisory
Chris Vermeulen is the founder of TheGoldAndOilGuy and will provide you with unparalleled gold charts and oil trading charts, signals and 24/7 trading email support. Also, you will receive Gold Investing Newsletter when you subscribe and become a member of the trading services of TheGoldandOildGuy.com. He believe that his website is the perfect trading service for active traders who want a conservative yet highly profitable trading strategy and signals for gold, oild and silver stocks investments.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Democratic National Convention 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Fix Your Auto
If you are looking for an experts for collision repair you can find it easily, and I know that there are many auto body shops to choose from but not all of them has the good service. Why not try auto body repair , they are an assembly of experts in the field of restoring collision damaged vehicles to pre-accident condition. You may want to visit their website and find the expert in your area.
The Blogging World
Everyday the numbers of bloggers is increases. People from different corner of the world meet friends through blogging. Meaning to say, blogging is popular. Advertizers find themselves to promote their products and services from bloggers by reviewing their products and that's how paid blogging started.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
How's Your Bills IQ?
Are you aware of your financial IQ? If you want to find out your bills IQ. All you have to do is take a short and simple quiz and you can find out how much you know about credit, debt, and your future plans. I was checking my Bills IQ the first time I heard about bills IQ, If I remember my bills IQ was 87%. The test questions were very interesting. They ask you questions about your current financial situation. In correspond with the result there are some tips on what are the Debt relief if you have hard time dealing financially. If you also need Debt help bills.com offers comprehensive Resource Centers on many different financial topics that offer articles, guidance, and additional tools to help you find, learn, and save in all areas of your life. They even provide various Debt consolidation sources as well as sources for student loan debt consolidation assistance.
Credit card debt can impact every financial aspect of your life.Regardless if you’re talking about credit cards, credit scores, or interest rates, you need to be on top of your credit. Your credit score affects your ability to qualify for loans, and credit cards have a significant effect on your credit, both positively and negatively. Bills.com has the information and resources you need to learn about credit, check and improve your credit rating, and use credit cards to your advantage so that you get all of the credit solutions you need. Here you’ll find credit guides, tips on how to improve your credit, and even a credit savings center to help you find credit solutions to all of your money problems
People who Check your Credit
You might want know who check your credit. According to the finance magazine that I was reading earlier, your credit score is basically used to predict the possibility that you won't pay your bills.
1. Lenders. This group is the one most people associate with their credit score. Having a good rating can help you qualify for the best rates on a mortgage, car loan, credit card and even a small business loan if you've got that entrepreneurial spirit. A nonexistent score can make it impossible for you to qualify for a loan or credit card at all.
2. Insurers or your insurance company. Majority of auto insurance companies use our credit score when determining our rates, and the practice is also common among home insurers.
3. Landlords- When we rent an apartment we may need a credit score. Landlords view our credit rating as a measure of our responsibility to pay bills on time. If the rating is below par or you don't have a credit score yet, you may have to find a friend or relative to co-sign your lease, or you could be required to pay a higher rent or security deposit.
4. Employers. When you're applying for a job, potential employers can pull your credit report as long as they notify you first. But not all employers need your credit scoreWhy? Bad credit can be a signal of irresponsibility, or employers might be worried you'll spend more time fretting about your financial woes than concentrating on the job.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Petro Wire & Steel
Petro Wire & Steel are the premier stainless steel supplier based in Houston, Texas with experience in specialty steel products for the petrochemical, architectural, construction, agriculture, mining and marine industries. They are considered as the premier source for steel wire cloth, perforated metals, expanded metal, bar grating and fiberglass grating. So, if you are looking for a wire mesh, wire cloth or any kind of metal wire products, PWS has all you are looking for. They are experts in steel production for all business areas. Their mission is to provide their customers complete satisfaction, PWS has over years expertise in specialty metals, steels and wires .
P 5 Million Reward for MILF
Aventi Laser Hair Therapy
Hair loss is something that can affect women as well as men discover the main causes and cures for hair loss problem . When experiencing hair loss, women feel like they are older or less attractive, in other words they have the feeling of insecurity. For me, the most common causes of hair loss for men and women is genetic.
With the advance technology, Avanti Laser Hair Therapy has way of restoring your hair. The Aventi laser hair restoration system, offered to Newport Beach and Los Angeles hair loss
clients, is based on years of research and testing. Developed by the team efforts of Leonard Venti and Annette Albani, the system provides effective hair loss restoration for both women and men.
Get Paid to Try
Few months ago, I registered on get paid to try, I found that website from my search and took a chanced. I have no idea what is all about. I was thinking they are the same from the other marketplace that I joined. Anyway, just few days ago, I received some offers from them and just realized that it is all about surveys. So I turned down the offer cause I have no time answering surveys but until now they still send me some offers even I did not started anything from them.
Monday, August 18, 2008
The Stress Institute
Stress is the emotional and physical strain caused by our response to pressure from the outside world. Common stress reactions include tension, irritability, inability to concentrate, and a variety of physical symptoms that include headache and a fast heartbeat. It is almost impossible to live without stress, and most of us wouldn't want to because it gives life some spice and excitement. But if stress gets out of control, it may harm our health, our relationships, and our enjoyment of life.
The Stress Institute is a lifestyle company that provides solutions and practices in the fields of stress management, work & life balance, sustainability and mindful living to corporations, non-profits and individuals. It was founder by Dr. Kathleen, a post traumatic stress doctors. She created the Stress Institute to promote health, stress awareness, mindfulness and life balance. Their programs can help prevent and benefit a wide variety of conditions as well as optimizing health and wellness.
Jennylyn Mercado Gave Birth
Philippine actress Jennylyn Mercado gave birth to a baby boy on Saturday at St. Lukes Hospital. The birth was a cs section . The father of the baby is abs-cbn talent Patrick Garcia, which is according to the report that he is in the US right now.
Baby Birth Announcements is another special way of announcing the arrival of your baby. At PhotoAffection.com you can style and design the card with photos of your baby. Not only for birth announcement, but also for wedding and holidays. They have an affordable, modern Photo Wedding Announcements, engagement & elopement designs which is the perfect solution. Announce the dates of your wedding, elopement or marriage engagement in style. You can also personalized photo cards for holiday greetings, including Christmas, Valentine's Day, Easter and Halloween.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Mongolians 1st Olympic Gold
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Tweety's RV and SUV Accessories
Going on a trip in an RV is an adventure that takes you away from the boredom of everyday life. It is like taking apart of your home with you when you go on vacation.
Anyway, if you have an RV and you need accessories and the place you should come to online is Tweetys.com. They will help you with all your needs. They offer the lowest prices on the internet guaranteed. They sell B&W turnover ball for your RV and Truck use. Tweety's RV, Truck and SUV accessories can provide you with all the items that turn their wide selection includes water pumps, faucets and accessories, sinks, supply hose and shower heads. So visit tweetys.com now for your RV parts and accessories.
Oldest Woman Racer
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Medical Spa Anti-Aging & Aesthetic Center
Are you looking for medical spanear Buckhead, Georgia? Now in Alpharetta is M Medical Spa.Their spa services include a variety of procedures that can help you to look and feel younger and more beautiful. No matter what spa service you're looking for, their relaxing facility ensures that you are treated quickly and comfortably. Their patients' comfort is their utmost concern, so they do everything in their power to make sure their patients are fully at ease in their care. They have a day spas in Sandy Springs that can surely do your comfort. Right now, they have a special offer that you can save 50% OFF your first treatment and you can save 25% OFF the first package.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Accessing an Account Through an Email Link
Accessing an account through and email link is one of the common mistakes that invites identity theft. No matter how official an e-mail message looks, trying to access a financial account by clicking on embedded Web links is risky. If the e-mail message is fraudulent, a cybercriminal could use the account number and password you enter to steal your identity or empty your bank account.
I have received few fraudaulent emails from hackers who are using PayPal's site trying to tell me that I need to verifty my account information. At the moment I read the email, I know something wasnt right there coz I know that PayPal would not send that kind of email. So I just ignored it and one thing I noticed in my PayPal toolbar, as soon as I tried to click the link, a PayPal red alert to stop because it was a fake site not from PayPal.
Well, anyway, according to the tips that I read on this regard, that what you can do, if an e-mail message asks you to update your password, account number, or other information, don't take the bait. Access an online account only by using your existing browser bookmark or typing in the institution's Web address. If you suspect that an e-mail is a phishing attempt, forward it to spam@uce.gov and reportphishing@antiphishing.org
Monday, August 11, 2008
College Knowledge: 101 Tips
This college knowledge book is the perfect guide for students heading off to college with high expectations for learning, academic sucess, personal growth and independece. Gallery Collection announced it, and it has collaborated with DailyLit to make "College Knowledge: 101 Tips" available for free on DailyLit.com. Gallery Collection is the leading publisher of Business Christmas Cards and Corporate Holiday Cards.
College Knowledge:101 Tips books is made available for free through Sept 30, 2008 with the generous support of the publisher of corporate holiday cards, GalleryCollection.com . Through lively tips and compelling student stories about life at college, it offers thoughtful, practical information for every student who wants to make a successful transition from high school to college.
Paris for President?
Have you seen the commercial of Paris Hilton in response of John McCain's ad comparing Barack Obama to a celebrity like Hilton and Spears. I think the commercial was so funny and of course it is, since it was posted on the website of funny or die dot com.
Paris Hilton’s tells off John McCain for putting her in an Obama attack ad. Late Sunday Paris’s mother, Kathy Hilton, for the waste of money, time and attention given to the ad. Paris takes it to a whole new level in her hilarious Paris Hilton Ad, saying she’ll “see you at the debate, bitches.”
In a 30-second campaign ad last week, McCain mocked Democratic rival Senator Barack Obama’s image as a media star by flashing pictures of tabloid staples Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in the opening shots. On Tuesday (August 5), Paris Hilton gave it right back to McCain in her own fake commercial ad on funnyordie.com. She called John McCain, 71, “wrinkly” and “old.”
wait play d video below
Carpal Tunnel Relief
A friend of mine that works in the production industry suffers carpal tunnel syndrome. She told me how painful it is. The last time we met was few months ago and she said she will have a surgery for her carpal tunnel. I thought that the surgery will be the end of her suffering but just few weeks ago, I talked to her online and she told me that her carpal tunnel bugging her again. So I mentioned to her about the carpal tunnel relief , the smart glove.
Anyway, whether you suffer from wrist pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, migraines, IMAK's comfortable orthopedic products will get you relief. The SmartGlove helps prevent and relieve wrist pain associated with CTS, arthritis and tendinitis by encouraging proper hand and wrist position. The IMK SmartGlove helps prevent and relieve carpal tunnel syndrome, it also increases comfort and circulation, ensures ergonomically correct wrist position, cushions and protects the underside of the wrist, including the pisiform bone and reversible to for left or right hand.
This SmartGlove also is great for pregnancy related carpal tunnel syndrome as well a great glove to use while blogging because you spend a lot of time typing and that can mainly cause carpal tunnel.
2008 Audi S5
Friday, August 8, 2008
Professional Web Development
352 Media Group is an award winning web design company that provides professional web development, web applications, CD and DVD production, and motion graphics projects. Their development offices are in Atlanta, Georgia and Gainesville, Florida, but they have New York web design projects because many of their key clients are in New York City and surrounding areas. Besides New York, 325 Media Group also has web development offices in Seattle, Los Angeles, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Michigan and Jacksonville, Florida .Whether you need E-Commerce, Intranet development, a custom Web application, or simply a place to display company information online, 352 award-winning Web development team will work with you to provide solutions that are tailored to your needs. So if you live from the State that I mentioned above, check for professional web development only at 352 Media Group.
He threated Obama
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Managed Your Future Finances
I am always aware on my financial responsibilities that make sure I paid all the bills on time. But with my curiosity I took the financial test online from Bills IQ . Basically the questions were all about how we handle our finances and I got the score of 87% B. Obviously the result isn't that bad right? Along with the result they have advices and tips on which part you have difficulties on managing your finances and they have some suggestion what you have to do especially if the result is poor. Bills IQ also has advices about Debt consolidation and tips on Debt relief and Debt help resources so that you can evaluate your options and get the solutions that is right for your specific financial needs.
Using Bills IQ is a good idea to help you measure your financial health. Because, if you have the bad results, I'm sure you have problems financially. In this connection, Bills IQ, have some money tips on to how to recover from default credit card, also on how to get our of debt in reasonable amount of time. They even provide various debt consolidation sources as well as sources for student loan debt consolidation assistance. So check them out now and see what they can help you out of your debt.
Ovation Credit Services
Are you aware of your credit score?
I personally don't know what my credit score is. But I am pretty sure that I have a good credit score since I know my responsibilities when it comes to paying my credit card on time.
In same way, many are not aware on their credit score. They just realized when they fail to get loans and credit cards because they have bad credit. Fortunately, there are companies that will make credit repair fast, easy and effective to their clients. Ovation credit report repair is one of those companies who help clients achieve their optimal credit profile. They will repair credit and will make credit report with no mistakes, no identity errors, no false negatives and no inaccuracies . Ovation Credit Service program are 100% legal which is developed and managed by the very same lawyers who founded their company. So if you need help on the accuracy of you credit report, just contact Ovation Credit Services or visit their website now for more details.
Home Refinancing
Rates on home loans here in Michigan(particularly the city where we live)are falling, and I think it is not only here in Michigan but also all over United States. But some say that lower rates also will make it easier for homeowners to qualify for refinanced loans. Many homeowners trying to refinance their house especially if they are way behind of their house payment just to avoid foreclosure in the future. But homeowners who failed to refinance their house are facing into foreclosure and that's what happened here in Michigan, foreclosure rates increase everyday.
But for those who can afford to buy houses now is the great advantage, because they are more affordable. Unfortunately, nobody can afford to buy at this moment because of the recession.
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Benefits of Hiring Mystery Shoppers
It is not just for you, the owner, or manager of the company but for your employees because you wanna make sure that your employee and their one on one relationship with the customer is both helpful and a satisfactory experience. You have hired your mystery shopper not knowing when they will come or who they are to make sure that your standards of customer service are of the highest quality and that you and your staff are meeting the needs of all your customers.
BestMark presents to you the best secret shopping solutions for your business. They also offer a wide range of business solutions that will benefit your business in the current market. You want your employees all your customers as if they were a secret shoppers so that you know that they will give a 100% of their attention to the customer to help them in any way they can. And the only way that this is possible is by hiring BestMark for their secret shoppers so your employees will bring out the best customer service possible.
Blogging & Taxes
It has been many days that my blogging "business" has been slow. I haven't gotten any opps from advertisers and did not update my blogs. But I am trying to come back again, one day I was thinking of quitting my blogging for the mean time and I will concentrate on my work, my social life and my personal life, because honestly since I started my blogging I have not gotten enough sleep because I am always in front of the computer waiting for some campaigns. But, I realized that blogging for me would not be forever. I am also thinking of the tax that I have to pay next year from my blogging income and I am worried that I could not save enough money to pay back the government. Yes, I agree that my blogging income helps me a lot as of the moment and I am still enjoying the money that I earn from blogging, but I knew that next year I will pay "a lot" for taxes since I have earned quite a bit from the first day I started making money out of blogging, so for now I have to chose the paid blog site that I earned less so that I don't have to pay a lot of tax.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Nationwide Finance Service
If are you out of cash and need some extra money to buy some groceries you can apply for Pay Day Loans at Complete Loan Source. They offer online approvals which is available nationwide. They also have programs for car loans, so if you want to buy a new car, Complete Loan Source has an Online Car Loan Application which is available for all credit types nationwide. Their auto loans and car loans are available for personal to commercial use with programs available for both new and used car loans. So, if you are broke and need some finance service, Complete Loan Source is your one-stop place for loans of every type. For more information visit their website at completeloansource.com for details.
What Would You Choose?
Money or Love?
Here comes another fun stuff to do if you feel you are bored waiting for "good stuff" online, answering from blogthings quizzes.
Let see what would I chose.
You Would Choose Love |
![]() Money may buy a little happiness, but not the happiness of true love. You rather have a true soulmate than a private jet. And while many people may claim they would choose love too... You're one of the few who would really do it. |
Friday, August 1, 2008
Get Certified From Cisco
Choosing the right career could be a pressure, because many have failed of the career they have chose especially of this current economic situation and unemployment rate are increasing. So, we have to be wise on choosing our career for a brighter future. Speaking of career, IT field is in demand right now, many are going to school to be an IT expert . So, if you wanted to have a career in IT, you can have a Cisco certification from Cisco. Once you are done with your training, you are now certified to work in any IT field. Cisco certification is just the thing to get you started in your IT career job. They are the most widely recognized and largest product of IT's expert. Getting a career at CISCO is one of the best ways into the IT field. A lot of companies requires IT certification.
So, if you have an interest in working in the world wide of computers you should check into getting your Cisco Certification. The Cisco Learning Network offers certification in routing and switching, voice, security and more. Cisco can help IT professional to have better credentials and achieve a higher standard among others. They offer certification programs that give you the skills you need to enter and become successful in today's IT job market demand. Their classes give you the learning tools you need to find a good paying job and job recognition. So, if you want to have a good future for yourself and your family, start your career now at CISCO.
Summer is almost over
I can't believe summer is almost over, it feels like it just started. I don't want summer to be over, i just hate the cold. You can't do outdoor activities when it is cold outside that's why people who live in the winter wonderland hates winter. Though , I can't wait for fall it doesn't mean I am sick of summer. I just love to see the colors of the tree and the " not so cold, and so hot" weather. So, while summer is not over yet, let's have fun and enjoy the remaining days of the season.